New : Enchanted Jewelry Necklace, Earrings, Arm Bands, Belly Piercing

Enchanted Jewelry
Necklace, Earrings, Arm Bands, Belly Piercing
All Intro Priced at 50L Off Until Friday, June 10th.
(Group gift for Beloved Jewelry members is available in group notices in-world.  There is a photo at the end of this post.)
(More photos of the necklace are below, showing different options.)

9 Textures From Drop Down Menu:
Etched Platinum, Etched Silver, Etched Pewter, Etched Gold 1, Etched Gold 2 (Darker),
Platinum, Silver, Gold

9 Stones From Drop Down Menu:
Diamond, Alexandrite, Amethyst, Emerald, Onyx, Peridot, Ruby, Sapphire

The gift set for all four pieces will be available after the new intro-price sale.  The gift set will be sold at a discount.

The 14th gift of the year was sent out in Beloved Jewelry group notices on May 30th.
These earrings will be in notices for about another week.

To see more fine jewelry at affordable prices, stop by the stores in Second Life: